the farmer's daughter | let's bake something

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outfit post : mint and floral high-low

I knew that I just had to take Clara to Fort Langley while she was visiting, and man did we have fun.  Fort Langley is chock full of cute local shops, tons of antique stores, and delicious little restaurants!  We had fun shopping, eating, and of course....taking a few photos.

This is outfit is my latest fave, and I'm trying not to wear it every time I leave the house.  It's basically all of my faves summed up: mint, lace, floral, and a skirt.  So much love.  Embarrassingly enough, all of these pieces came from the same store (the garage), but I don't even care.

top, vest, skirt: the garage // shoes: shine // belt: h&m // whistle necklace: foreverxxi

This little mint top is actually a crop top, but I tucked it into my skirt since I'm not brave enough to be baring any tummy. haha.  I'm so in love with it that I'll probably be heading back for another one (or two or three?) in different colours!  I love the versatility it brings to an outfit, and can't wait to pair it with more things from my closet!

Oh gosh, this suitcase!  We found it in an antique shop, and both fell in love.  I carried it around for a good while as we browsed, but a different vintage suitcase caught my eye....and I just couldn't justify buying both, so I had to leave it behind.  So sad!

And thanks goes to Clara for the photos!  Being able to take photos of each other is just another reason that we need to live closer to each other SOON!!!

p.s.    kelsey