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outfit post: sherlock inspired

“There are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world without them.” 
― Arthur Conan Doyle The Red Headed League

Though in this quote Sherlock Holmes is probably referring to those that are criminally loony, I like to think us oddballs that are not quite so nefarious (as perhaps Professor Moriarty is), also make the world a more interesting place!

I am sure if you have been on the internet at all in the last couple of weeks you know that the third season of BBC's Sherlock just aired.  Kelsey and I are definitely Sherlock fans, and we watched the last episode yesterday.  I still feel like my brain is trying to figure out everything that happened over the season!  We both really enjoyed it!

As you may remember, I love doing "subtle costumes", so when I saw this coat, I knew I just had to have it for a subtle Sherlock Holmes!

coat: modcloth / boots: steve madden / scarf: market in Florence Italy (haha which I borrowed from Kelsey!)

“It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.” 
―  Arthur Conan Doyle

I could not agree with Sir Arthur more.  I believe the possession of a good book is a very powerful thing indeed!
(But I also take the precaution of a long coat!)

p.s.  ♥ jordyn