the farmer's daughter | let's bake something

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Halloween Bark!

Happy Halloween everyone!  

Now isn't this just the cutest bark you ever did see?  My sister found the recipe for this Halloween Bark on Just A Taste, and we knew that we wanted to recreate it!  It's such a great idea if you need a last minute, no-fuss dessert idea for a Halloween party.....the hardest part about it is trying not to eat all of the candy before it makes it onto the bark!

All you need to do is melt some chocolate (we used chocolate chips 'cause we're fancy like that) onto some parchment paper, and then press Halloween candy into it before it hardens!  Super easy, and so cute.  

We used mini peanut butter cups, mini kitkat bars, candy corn, candy pumpkins, reeses pieces, and candy eyeballs!  The eyes are really what makes this bark pop, and we picked them up at Michaels.  I think this bark would be so good with something salty mixed in....I'm thinking we should probably add in some pretzel pieces or peanuts next time!

Happy Halloween everyone!
