outfit post: lace and chambray love

Have I mentioned how much I'm going to miss the beach once I move home for the summer?  Because I'm going to miss it...A LOT!!  I guess all I can do about it is enjoy it while I can, and this means going on as many beach walks/runs as I possibly can!

My favorite part about this shirt is hands down the back.  It looks like just another plain ol' chambray shirt, but then BAM there's lace!  I've had my eye on this shirt since October, but the price scared me too much to even try it on.  Sooo...I ended up stalking it for the next few months, and was lucky enough to snatch it up during a 75% off winter sale!  Woohoo!

I also picked up these red pants during that sale too, which I was pretty stoked about.  I was waiting to find the perfect pair, and fell in love with the lovely wine red tone of these ones!

 chambray shirt: plenty // pants: plenty // purse: aeo // boots: steve madden

I hope you are all enjoying the first couple weeks of Spring!  It's been (mostly) beautiful here in Van, and the crazy amount of cherry blossoms everywhere has been bringing me so much joy!

p.s. ♥ kelsey