goodbye 2015 - highlights from the past year!

I feel like I've always heard people say that time seems to go by faster and faster as you get older, but it really is true!  I can hardly believe that today is the last day of 2015, and that 2016 starts tomorrow.  Say what?

I do love looking back on the past year and reflecting on everything that happened.  The good and the bad, the adventures and the hardships, and everything in between.

Here are a bunch of my favourite posts throughout the year, from blueberry basil doughnuts, to an epic styled shoot in Jasper.  Man it was hard to choose!

Last year I chose a word, rather than make resolutions, and I really loved it.  I had chosen explore, and I truly feel like I fulfilled it!  There were roadtrips (down the West Coast, and a mini one to Jasper), a big trip (to Chicago!), and so many day trips around the Fraser Valley and Vancouver area as I made a point to enjoy this beautiful province that I live in.

This year I've chosen intentional as my word.  Whether be making a point to form new friendships, start volunteering at a new place, seeking beauty in the everyday, or being sure to truly living in the moment instead of wishing my life looked different, I want to live with intentionality this coming year and make sure that life doesn't just pass me by!

And with that, I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year!  
Thank you so much for coming along this little blog journey with me,
and I always love hearing from you!

